Let’s Review: Throne of Glass

There are normally two reactions to this book:

1) Ew, the main character is annoying.



I’m the second one, and I wanted to share with you one of my all-time favorite fantasy series.


Warning: Excessive fangirling detected ahead. Proceed with caution.

Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas starts after Celaena Sardothian, a famous assassin, was sent to the Salt Mines of Endovier as a punishment. She was given the opportunity of freedom if she participated in this competition to become the King of Adarlan’s Champion (a.k.a. the person to do all of the King’s dirty work). To disguise her from the other people in the castle, she was Celaena during the events and Lady Lillian during the parties.

Something evil lurks inside the castle, and it wants death. One by one, competitors start to turn up murdered, and Celaena has to figure out what’s causing them before she ends up with the same fate.

I rate this book 5/5 stars. I will get so excited when I hear someone I don’t know mention Throne of Glass. Like, my heart will expand with happiness. That’s how much I love this series.

Me everytime someone mentions TOG:

Love triangles aren’t something I enjoy reading about (although it’s in a lot of young adult books, especially fantasy), but I’m okay with the one in this series. Celaena doesn’t make such a big deal about who to choose, because that’s not what the story focuses on.

I love all the characters (except for the antagonists). I find that many of the female protagonists in fantasy books are fearless, strong, and tough. For Celaena, she’s a strong, no-nonsense kind of person, but she also likes the finer things in life. She loves going to balls, wearing pretty dresses and jewelry, and going shopping. She has fears, but that’s what makes her (in my opinion) a better character. I can’t relate to the protagonists if they have no fear. I’m human, and I fear many things.

Sarah J. Mass’s writing style is fiercely beautiful. It’s like a rose; it’s elegant and fierce at the same time.

And the suspense! I had to force myself to put down the book so I could go to sleep (it was four in the morning, don’t judge). I only got a couple hours of sleep that morning but it was worth it.

Okay I’m going to stop fangirling now.

But seriously though, read it. If you already read it, read it again.

And if you’re skeptical, just read it. Just DO it! Yesterday, you said tomorrow. Just DO it!


But if you’re already reading the best book of your life, here’s its Goodreads page where you can add it to your ever-growing TBR pile.

You’re welcome.

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